Will the surgery hurt?
At the time of your surgery there will be an Anaesthetist to ensure that you are both comfortable and will feel no pain. You will be asleep throughout the operation and the operation site is numbed with local anesthetic at the time of surgery. This will be explained to you during your initial appointment with your surgeon. The anaesthetic means that there is very little discomfort felt in the first 2-3 hours but following that time there will be a period of pain and discomfort which can last for up to ten days. This can be controlled through the use of pain relief medication. The surgeon and nursing staff will instruct you on pain relief when you leave the hospital.

Will there be swelling and bruising?

There will be temporary swelling and bruising following the surgery. This varies with the extent of the operation being performed. It also depends on the individual. Some people bruise easily whilst others do not. You can generally expect some swelling and bruising after surgery. Both should last for no more than ten days. Your will be given instructions on how to take care of your wounds at the time of your consultation when your doctor. The nursing staff will also instruct you on how to take care of your wounds when you leave the hospital.

Will there be scars?
Yes, all surgery produces scars. However a skilled surgeon makes sure that incisions and stitches are carefully placed in the natural folds and creases of the genital area so that any scars are well hidden. During the first 2-3 weeks the stitches will gradually dissolve. This means no stitches need to be removed which allows the tissues to heal the most natural way possible. If you follow the post-operative instructions you will notice that over time the scars will fade and become barely noticeable.

How soon can I go home after the Procedure?
You will be discharged 1-3 hours after surgery. Your doctor and nurse will discuss any specific discharge information at that time, as well as information on pain relief, care of your wound etc.

How should I look after my wound at home?
Post operative care is important and care needs to be taken to ensure that your wound heals without infection and to promote healthy skin. This is done by keeping your incisions and the skin area around them clean, dry and to also avoid any rubbing or friction. Your doctor will talk to you about what to expect from your surgery and give you information on what you should do when you go home. Sometimes women may feel quite depressed or anxious before surgery. Sometimes during the rest and partial isolation following surgery, they may start to think about
aspects of their life that normally wouldn’t bother them. This can be temporarily depressing. We recommend that to help you cope during this stage of your healing and recovery from surgery that you have someone in the home with you.

What can I do to help recovery?
At the time of your initial consultation and discharge from your surgery your doctor will advise you on care regarding your wound, daily routine and activities. It is important to follow these instructions as well as any specific discharge information given when you go home following your procedure and take plenty of rest!

When will I be able to start exercising?
As with any surgery, activities will be restricted for a while. Restrictions include no heavy lifting, sport or exercising for about 4 weeks. It can take 6-8 weeks to fully recover from your surgery.

How long will it take to completely heal?
All women respond to surgery differently but usually complete healing can take up to three months.


CORRECTION OF labia majora

As the primary element that gives the appearance of the labia majora is fat, to remodel and give them more tungente appearance is required injected into the fatty tissue inside.

We apply the same patient of fat removed from elsewhere in the body. This avoids the possible reactions to extraneous elements injected, which some use occasionally in this type of correction.

The surgery is outpatient, but the disability is less than in the surgery of the labia minora. The time during which we must avoid sexual relations is also shorter.


This relatively minor surgical procedure is performed in our last generation outpatient, under general anesthesia or intravenous sedation with local anesthesia. You may also use the epidural (spinal).

It is recommended to perform this procedure right after your period. After talking with the anesthesiologist / anesthesiologist, the patient is brought into the operating room. Once the patient is anesthetized, were injected local nerve blockers, combined with a drug that shrinks the blood vessels and capillaries to reduce bleeding. Trim off any excess Labia retailer, which allows a reaproximación labial edges of the normal, and thus preserving the natural color and contour. The incision is closed with sutures autodisolventes. It then takes any additional procedure. The liposculpture of the mountains pubic require one or two small incisions are well hidden. The excess fatty tissue is removed from the mountains or you can use a small amount of fat in the abdomen, buttocks or thighs to improve and fill in a small area of the labia majora, if desired. Finally, apply an antibiotic ointment and a sanitary towel.


The Labiaplasty or labioplasty (labia minora reduction) and other surgical procedures that include female Vaginoplasty (rejuvenation or stretching of the vagina) have been increasing quite popular among the female community. The surgery vaginal lips, which usually includes the reduction of the labia, and vaginal rejuvenation is becoming very common as well as other surgical procedures such as increasing the flattening of the chest and abdomen.
New advances in techniques and Labia plasty Vaginoplasty and diminish scars, pain, recovery time and muentran sensational results in the area known as Vaginal Cosmetic Surgery.

Women who have problems such as large genital labia, asymmetric and other problems female genitalia, may now undergo a surgery vaginal lips to reduce the appearance of these and correct irregularities. Vaginoplasty can also help women who have had multiple births and seek a remedy to tighten and increase the sensitivity of the vagina.

The Female Genital Surgery - which is part-Vaginal Cosmetic Surgery is one of the most defendants in the surgery, and few surgeons are trained to do what sificientemente these delicate procedures with good results. Plastic surgeons understand the artistic nature of the procedure and the desired results that women hold.


The Labiaplasty or labioplasty (labia minora reduction) and other surgical procedures that include female Vaginoplasty (rejuvenation or stretching of the vagina) have been increasing quite popular among the female community. The surgery vaginal lips, which usually includes the reduction of the labia, and vaginal rejuvenation is becoming very common as well as other surgical procedures such as increasing the flattening of the chest and abdomen.
New advances in techniques and Labia plasty Vaginoplasty and diminish scars, pain, recovery time and muentran sensational results in the area known as Vaginal Cosmetic Surgery.

Women who have problems such as large genital labia, asymmetric and other problems female genitalia, may now undergo a surgery vaginal lips to reduce the appearance of these and correct irregularities. Vaginoplasty can also help women who have had multiple births and seek a remedy to tighten and increase the sensitivity of the vagina.

The Female Genital Surgery - which is part-Vaginal Cosmetic Surgery is one of the most defendants in the surgery, and few surgeons are trained to do what sificientemente these delicate procedures with good results. Plastic surgeons understand the artistic nature of the procedure and the desired results that women hold.


Labia minora

The labia minora are those around the vagina, one on the right side and one on the left side. Begin in the front part of the vagina and through two thin extensions surrounding the clitoris, forming a partial coating, called the clitoral hood, and one very small structure called frenulum of the clitoris.

Normally the labia minora are thin, thin, extremely sensitive and, with the patient standing, not stand and are covered by the labia majora.

The labia minora may have abnormalities in their training and can be found too big and outstanding. Sometimes, when women were to Nude in front of the mirror, can be seen standing in the vulvar region. This is not normal. They may even be too much longer picked tending to and taking a look of cauliflower, usually with irregular borders and obscure.

You can also find asymmetrical, one being very large compared with the contralateral lip. This breaking of the symmetry damages the appearance of the genitals.

It is also common that one of the lips is not a regular, taking sides angle and larger, giving the impression of an accident which tore the former.

Being very thin and delicate structures, and very sensitive when they have alterations such as those mentioned above is easy to be hurt when the woman wears tight clothes or do aerobics strong. In these cases raspan and inflamed and hinder the normal activities during the rest of the day, even when seated.

It is also possible that arise discomfort during sexual intercourse, either physical, because the lips are so large that "tweak" at some point during the relationship, or because women are very aware of this problem in the shape of your lips Minors who feel shy and inhibited in the sexual act.


CORRECTION of the labia minora

The correction of all deformities mentioned in the labia minora is surgical. We performed a surgery in which the parties are resected, are correcting the way and left of normal size.

It is important to note that the type of surgery to be performed must meet the aesthetic and functional requirements of these structures in women. Not good considering only the aesthetic aspect, since the labia minora also have their role, primarily during sex, which should be preserved.

It is a day surgery, in which the patient leaves the same day of surgery. Normally we give an inability minimum of two to five days, depending on the type of business is conducted.

We recommend not having sex until it is completed properly curing time of surgery, which typically ranges from 20 to 30 days.


Labiaplasty (vulvaplasty) is a surgical procedure that reduces or genital changes the way out of the small lips of the vagina (labia minora).

A significant number of women are born with large or irregular labia minora. Others may develop this condition after giving birth or age. The appearance of the enlarged vulva can be embarrassing to interact with one sexual partner or it can cause low self-esteem.

Many women feel uncomfortable or may experience irritation when carrying carved clothes, to have sex or to practice due to have their labia minora and large lumps. Women who suffer from this type of irritation often find relief after this surgery. An incredibly labiaplasty can improve the appearance of the vulva restoring confidence to many women, helping them to regain their self-esteem.


When can I return to work?
This varies from one woman to another and your doctor will advise you at the time of consultation, but on average return to work is usually within 3-4 days following treatment provided work does not involve heavy lifting etc. If more than one procedure is carried out return to work is usually 6-7 days from treatment.
How soon will I be able to resume sexual activity?
As with any gynaecological procedure there is usually a period of time needed for the body to heal. It is a good idea to wait until after the post operative appointment with your doctor.
Will the Surgery Result In Decrease In Sensation?
A possible side effect of labiaplasty is reduced sexual sensation. This is because the labia minora play a role I sexual arousal, filling with blood and swelling with sexual stimulation.
Will Skin Surrounding My Clitoris be altered?
Usually this area is not altered during the surgery. Some women do have excessive skin in this area and it can be trimmed to give a more pleasing and natural appearance at the time of surgery. This can be discussed at the time of consultation with your surgeon.
Will My Sexual Partner Notice A Difference After Surgery?
If the labia were interfering with intercourse, both of you will notice an improvement. Visually, your partner should notice that your labia are now smaller and better proportioned.
If I am from out of town, how long should I remain after surgery before departing?
Ideally a two night stay is required for out of town patients. This will enable your doctor to check your wounds to ensure they are healing well before you return home.
What Are The Risks and Complications?
As with all types of surgery there are certain risks. All potential risks and complications should be discussed with you during your consultation for this procedure. Risks and complications can be reduced by carefully following preoperative and post operative instructions. Potential risks and complications could include:
♦ Anaesthesia risks
♦ Asymmetry
♦ Bleeding
♦ Incision separation
♦ Infection
♦ Poor or delayed wound healing
♦ Under or over correction and need for revisional surgery
If I need to see my surgeon in the period after my surgery – will you be available?
Yes! Your surgeon knows that all surgery affects woman differently. How it affects you will not necessarily be the same as how it affects another woman. Because of this it is important to be aware and understand what you will be going through and ensure that you have support and care at home. If you wish to have an appointment to discuss any concerns during any time following your surgery, please do not hesitate to phone the rooms to let us know and if necessary make an appointment to see your doctor.
What happens if I am not happy with any aspect of the surgical procedure?
We will do our best to ensure that you are given the result you desire. To ensure a desired result we recommend before coming to your initial consultation that you read the information in the pre consultation pack. We suggest that you write down any questions or queries you have about the information given. Please bring this information and any questions or queries you have when you come for your appointment. This can be in relation to the procedure itself, expected outcomes, possible risks, what happens after surgery, etc.
Some women may feel embarrassed about their reason or condition for seeing the doctor, others do not like to question what their doctor has said or recommended. If you do not understand their explanations, a medical term used or you are not exactly clear what they are recommending or why, don't be afraid to ask. Doctors are used to being asked questions and explaining the reasons behind their decisions, so please do ask questions until you feel you understand what is going on. It is important to keep asking questions until you feel you have all the information you need to make decisions about your surgery. This also means that the surgeon is not only clear about your concerns but also understands what your expectations are and can ensure the desired surgical outcome for you.
What happens if I need correction or revisional surgery?
If you wish to have an appointment to discuss any concerns during any time following surgery, please do not hesitate to phone the rooms to let us know and if necessary make an appointment to see your doctor.


This surgery involves the removal of the excesses of the soft and irregular Labia minor (inner vaginal lips and smaller) that often cause chronic irritation, itching or discomfort during sexual intercourse. The term labiaplasty also linked to cosmetic surgery of the Labia Major (outer lips) to make them softer and less prominent. The labiaplasty is practiced often in the operating room but in specific cases can be done in the doctor's office under local anesthesia at dramatically lower costs. This procedure takes between 1 and 2 hours to complete.


This vaginal cosmetic surgery aims to remove the excess skin vaginal angostar to the diameter of the vagina, resulting in a vaginal canal and opening smaller, more tense. This operation is usually performed in the operating room under general or spinal anesthesia or under local anesthesia with sedation. We use the device to make Surgitron Ellman Radio incisions exceptionally precise and minimally traumatic. This method is much less destructive that the use of the Yag laser. It takes about 30 minutes to complete the transaction. Many advertise this procedure for the "Enhancing the sexual gratification" in addition to a cosmetic procedure.